Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what to book?

Check out my service menu to see what I offer. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to contact me or fill out a contact form here. Making sure that you book the correct appointment is very important to make sure that we have enough time to perform the service that will reach your goal.

What if I’m running late?

I totally understand that things come up. If you are running late, please let me know as soon as possible. If you are running more than 15 minutes late, we will have to adjust your appointment to a shortened visit. If we do have to do a shortened visit, I can’t guarantee that you will get the color of your dreams. Or we may have to cancel your appointment all together. If I’m running behind for any reason, I will let you know prior to your appointment, but your appointment will run as scheduled.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

As a mom of 3, I totally understand that things come up. I ask that you try your best to please let me know 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel so that I will have enough time to fill your spot with another client. Cancelling with less than 24 hours of your appointment will result in a 20% cancellation fee that will need to be paid before rebooking. A no show appointment will will require a 20% no show fee of the scheduled service before rebooking. I understand that things do come up, so please contact me and we will work something out.

How do I reschedule my appointment?

If you are needing to reschedule your appointment, you can visit my booking website or contact me. If you are doing this from the website, you will have to cancel the appointment first and then reschedule on the day that works better for you.

What if I’m unhappy with my hair?

I try my best to deliver what you are looking for, but if you are ever unsatisfied with your hair, please let me know within 7 days of your appointment so I can get you back in for a complimentary adjustment. Due to the artistic nature of my services, I do not offer refunds or any kind. Adjustments are only offered on services that were agreed upon and delivered as requested. If you change your mind on what you originally wanted, you will need to rebook an additional appointment to make those changes.

Is dirty hair better for my appointment?

There was once this rumor going around staying that dirty hair took color better. That is not true. The build up of natural oils and product actually make it harder for the color and lightener to do its job. Please come to your appointment with clean, dry hair, the way you naturally wear it so I can get a good idea of what suits you the best.

If you are getting a haircut, I always wash your hair before your cut, so this is when it is okay to come with semi dirty hair.

Can I bring my kids or friends to my appointment?

I love kids and babies, but the salon is small with very limited places to sit. There is also a lot of things at the salon that are not kid friendly. And lets be honest, they will probably get really board, real quick, so please do your best to arrange childcare for your appointment. I want this to be the best and most relaxing time for you. However, I do understand that things come up, so if you run into a problem and need to bring a child, please let me know and we will do what we can.

As I mentioned above, the salon is small and we have very limited places to sit, so please do not bring extra guests unless they are also getting their hair done. Thank you for understanding.